Redis Monitoring Tools

Docker Monitoring with the ELK Stack. Docker is growing by leaps and bounds, and along with it its ecosystem. Being light, the predominant container deployment involves running just a single app or service inside each container. Most software products and services are made up of at least several such appsservices. We all want all our appsservices to be highly available and fault tolerant. Thus, Docker containers in an organization quickly start popping up like mushrooms after the rain. They multiply faster than rabbits. While in the beginning we play with them like cute little pets, as their number quickly grow we realize we are dealing with aherd of cattle, implying weve become cowboys. Managing a herd with your two hands, a horse, and a lasso willget you only so far. You wont be able to ride after each and every calf that wonders in the wrong direction. Container orchestration helps you manage your containers, their placement, their resources, and their whole life cycle. While containers and applications in them are running, in addition to the whole life cycle management we need container monitoring and log management so we can troubleshoot performance or stability issues, debug or tune applications, and so on. Just like with orchestration, there are a number of open source container monitoring and logging tools. My preferred one so far is the ELK Stack, and in this article, well see how easy to setup an ELK stack, to monitor your container based infrastructure. Releasing the first open source version of Chronograf, the user interface of the TICK stack. We can now provide a complete open source monitoring solution. Learn how to build and manage powerful applications using Microsoft Azure cloud services. Get documentation, sample code, tutorials, and more. Learn how to create and manage Virtual Network support for your Premium tier Azure Redis Cache instances. StackExchange. Redis uses a configuration setting named synctimeout for synchronous operations. Docker Monitoring with the ELK Stack. Docker is growing by leaps and bounds, and along with it its ecosystem. Being light, the predominant container deployment. Learn how Amazon Aurora combines the speed and availability of commercial databases with the simplicity and costeffectiveness of open source databases. Redis Monitoring Tools' title='Redis Monitoring Tools' />The complete source code of this example can be found here. The ELK Stack is a collection of three open source products Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a No. SQL database that is based on the Lucene search engine. Logstash is a log pipeline tool that accepts inputs from various sources, executes different transformations, and exports the data to various targets. Redis Monitoring Tools' title='Redis Monitoring Tools' />Kibana is a visualization layer that works on top of Elasticsearch. Filebeat is an application that quickly ships data directly to either Logstash or Elasticsearch. Filebeat also needs to be used because it helps to distribute loads from single servers by separating where logs are generated from where they are processed. Consequently, Filebeat helps to reduce CPU overhead by using prospectors to locate log files in specified paths, leveraging harvesters to read each log file, and sending new content to a spooler that combines and sends out the data to an output that you have configured. Elasticsearch Image. The Elasticsearch image is built on top of openjdk official docker image. As youve noticed, Im using java 8 in this example. The rest of the command will download from the Elasticsearch website, unpack, configure the permissions for the Elasticsearch folder, and then start Elasticsearch. Before you start to create the Dockerfile, we should create an elasticsearch. The Dockerfile for the Elasticsearch image should look like this FROM openjdk 8. MAINTAINER Aboullaite Mohammed. ENV DEBIANFRONTEND noninteractive. ENV ELASTICSEARCHVERSION 5. Add esuser to avoid starting Elasticsearch as the root user. RUN useradd d homeesuser m esuser. WORKDIR homeesuser. RUN mkdir data. Install Elastisearch. ELASTICSEARCHVERSION. ELASTICSEARCHVERSION. ELASTICSEARCHVERSION. R esuser esuser elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCHVERSION. MSDNBlogsFS/' alt='Redis Monitoring Tools' title='Redis Monitoring Tools' />Dockerfile are on same location. ADD elasticsearch. ELASTICSEARCHVERSIONconfigelasticsearch. ENTRYPOINT elasticsearch ELASTICSEARCHVERSIONbinelasticsearch. Logstash Image. Logstash image creation is similar to Elasticsearch image creation, but the steps in creating a Dockerfile vary. In this article, I will show you how to configure a Docker container that uses NGINX installed on a Linux OS to track the NGINX and Linux logs and ship them out. MQeC.gif' alt='Redis Monitoring Tools' title='Redis Monitoring Tools' />Redis Monitoring ToolsThis means that you will have to configure Logstash to receive these logs and then pass them onto Elasticsearch. As mentioned above, we are using Filebeat first to isolate where logs are generated from, where they are processed and then to ship the data quickly. So, we need to use Filebeat to send logs from their points of origin NGINX, Apache, My. SQL, Redis. to Logstash for processing. We use Beats input plugin this is a platform that lets us build customized data shippers for Elasticsearch to configure Logstash, which will listen on port 5. Use a Beats input plugin. The output is easy to guess. Elasticsearch to store our logs, so the Logstash output configuration will be this We want Elasticsearch to store our logs. Do not be confused by the elasticsearch 9. Logstash will know the IP address for elasticsearch. The answers will be clear when you start to execute the Docker instances. The complex part of this configuration is the filtering. You want to log NGINX and Linux logs. Filebeat will monitor access. NGINX and syslogfiles for Linux logs. I will explain how Filebeat monitors these files below. The final filter configuration is this parsing nginx logs with logstachhere. COMBINEDAPACHELOGGREEDYDATA extrafields. MMMYYYY HH mm ss Z. DATA nginxseverity NOTSPACE NOTSPACE lt nginxmessage. IPHOSTNAME, server IPORHOST nginxserver, request QS nginxrequest, host QS nginxhost, referrer URI nginxreferrer. YEAR. MONTHNUM. MONTHDAY TIME LOGLEVEL severity POSINT pidNUMBER GREEDYDATA errormessage, client IPHOSTNAME, server IPORHOST server, request QS request, upstream URI upstream, host QS host, referrer URI referrer. YYYYMMdd HH mm ss. SYSLOGLINE. overwrite message. The Dockerfile for the Logstash image is this FROM openjdk 8. MAINTAINER Aboullaite Mohammed. ENV DEBIANFRONTEND noninteractive. ENV LOGSTASHVERSION 5. Add lsuser to avoid starting logstash as the root user. RUN useradd d homelsuser m lsuser. WORKDIR homelsuser. Install logstash. LOGSTASHVERSION. LOGSTASHVERSION. LOGSTASHVERSION. R lsuser lsuser logstash LOGSTASHVERSION. Dockerfile are on same location. ADD logstash. conf homelsuser. CMD logstash LOGSTASHVERSIONbinlogstash f logstash. Kibana Configuration. Well, you know how it works now. And the complete Docker file is FROM openjdk 8. MAINTAINER Aboullaite Mohammed. ENV DEBIANFRONTEND noninteractive. ENV KIBANAVERSION 5. Add kbuser to avoid starting Kibana as the root user. RUN useradd d homekbuser m kbuser. WORKDIR homekbuser. Install Kibana. wget https artifacts. KIBANAVERSION linux x. KIBANAVERSION linux x. KIBANAVERSION linux x. R kbuser kbuser kibana KIBANAVERSION linux x. Kibana. yml and Dockerfile are on same location. ADD kibana. yml kibana KIBANAVERSION linux x. ENTRYPOINT kibana KIBANAVERSION linux x. Creating an NGINX Image. The missing pieces to the puzzle is NGIN in a Linux OS that will generate NGINX logs together with Linux logs. Filebeat will then collect and ship the logs to Logstash. Lets start by configuring Filebeat filebeat. The ELK image includes configuration items etclogstashconf. Filebeat instance above. The docker file download and install filebeat above nginx image, add a dummy HTML file and specify an entrypoint FROM nginx. MAINTAINER Aboullaite Mohammed. ENV DEBIANFRONTEND noninteractive. Filebeat. ENV FILEBEATVERSION 5. RUN apt get update qq. RUN curl L O https artifacts. Start Skipping Program on this page. FILEBEATVERSION amd. A Developers How to Guide. Monitoring hasnt traditionally been designed for developers or applications. With the rise of cloud computing, Paa. S and even serverless applications, developers need to be much more involved in application monitoring. Comprehensive ASP. NET performance monitoring requires monitoring your application multiple ways, from server CPU usage, identifying slow web requests, slow SQL queries, garbage collection metrics, and much more. In this guide, we are going to cover the essentials of how to monitor your ASP. NET web applications with Retrace. Web performance Overall application performance. Specific requests Closely monitor important key transactionsApplication exceptions Error rates new errors. SQL queries Identify slow queries and overall slow downs. Application dependencies Performance of things like SQL Server, Mongo. DB, Redis, etc. Metrics Windows Performance Counters or custom metrics. Logs Monitor application logging for specific issues. Request tracing Viewing code level performance details. Warning Poor Performance Does Not Mean Slow. I think it is first important to point out the not so obvious. Monitoring the performance of your application is not just about things like availability or average page load time. That is a small part of it. Your application could be running very fast but receiving no traffic. Your application could be throwing an exception on every page load. Your application could be working perfectly but your back end process isnt billing your customersYour application could be doing thousands of things that make no sense. So, remember, performance problems in your application does not always mean it is slow. It can also mean that it is not performing correctly. It takes comprehensive ASP. NET performance monitoring to ensure that your application is performing correctly in every way. Monitoring Overall ASP. NET Performance. At a minimum, you need to know if your application is online and how it is performing at a high level. Is your site fast or slow Are customers happy These are critical questions that you need to be able to answer and monitor at all times. ASP. NET Performance. The best way to monitor the performance of your ASP. NET application is with an application performance management APM solution. Retrace tracks the performance of your application down to the code level and provides detailed reporting of ASP. NET application performance. That reporting starts with very high level reporting of ASP. NET performance. Below are some of the key metrics you can track about an individual ASP. NET application at a high level. Including average page load times, error rates, requests per minute, and a calculated satisfaction score apdex. Windows Xp Terbaru 2013 Iso. Retrace ASP. NET Monitoring All Requests. Retrace ASP. NET Monitoring Error Rates. Retrace also provides a wide array of other types of monitoring and reporting that we will cover in the rest of this guide. Application Availability Monitoring. The best way to do this is with a simple HTTP check that executes every minute, or every few minutes. You can then monitor if it is returning an HTTP status of 2. HTML. This type of monitoring also works well as the basis of service level agreement SLA reporting. Retrace Availability Monitoring. Monitoring Specific ASP. NET Requests or Key TransactionsEvery application has web requests that are really important. It could be a high volume request, a problematic page, or a critical page like a shopping cart. Closely monitoring these key transactions is highly suggested. They help ensure that critical functions are working properly and provide a good pulse of the overall application as well. We highly suggest monitoring the satisfaction score of your overall application and specific key web requests. Averages are easily skewed. The satisfaction score is instead based on the industry standard apdex score and provides a better way to track performance over time. Sometimes it makes sense to simply monitor that your application is getting any traffic. If your traffic drops significantly that could mean there is some sort of serious problem. In this example below, we have a monitor setup for requests per minute being 0. Retrace can monitor any of these metrics. Retrace. NET Monitoring Specific Request. Monitoring ASP. NET Exceptions. Application errors are typically the first thing that developers look for when things are not working correctly. They can happen for a wide array of issues and can definitely cause performance problems. For example, our application was running a little slow a few days ago and we received some monitoring alerts. We quickly noticed a big spike in exceptions. Retrace. NET Exception Monitoring. We found that our hosted Azure Redis Cache was having some issues. If we had not been monitoring exceptions we would had no idea that this intermittent issue was occurring. Retrace provides robust error tracking and monitoring. It can send you emails when a new ASP. NET exception is found or when error rates are high. We always suggest monitoring error rates. They provide a good sanity check for detecting weird application problems. Retrace automatically de duplicates your exceptions and makes it easy to see what unique exceptions are occurring, how long they have been happening, and much more. Retrace Monitoring Top. NET Exceptions. Monitoring SQL Performance. I have worked on many different web applications and they have all relied heavily on a centralized SQL database. There are a lot of scenarios where database problems cause major performance problems within your ASP. NET application. Detailed SQL monitoring is critical to ASP. NET performance monitoring. Retrace can help you do performance tuning in SQL Server. Identifying Slow SQL Queries. Retrace automatically tracks all of the SQL queries being executed by your ASP. NET application. It uniquely identifies each query and removes dynamic data used in the queries. Retrace Top SQL Queries. Executing Too Many SQL Queries. We recently did a deployment of a new application and noticed the requests were a little slow. We found that each web request was causing about 5. SQL queries The SQL queries were fast, that wasnt the problem. The problem was that it was making too many SQL queries. We were able to use this insight to figure out we had a problem in our caching logic. Retrace Top SQL Queries. Monitoring Specific SQL Queries. Retrace allows you to configure monitoring and alerts for a specific query. This is really powerful if you have a specific query that slows down and causes performance problems within your application. For example, at a previous company, I worked for we had one particular page in our app that was used a lot and the performance of it was critical. It ran some complicated queries to pull back a lot of data. Monitoring that specific query was a good indicator of overall performance. Monitoring Application Dependencies. In the previous section, we focused on the importance of monitoring SQL databases and queries. Our applications rely on many other dependencies that can cause ASP. NET performance problems. Dependencies like Mongo. DB, Redis, Elasticsearch, external HTTP services and many others. Since Retrace tracks the performance of your ASP. NET application down to the code level, it can automatically identify many common dependencies see list here. Application Dependency Performance. Todays applications rely on many different dependencies.