Software Radio Scanner Pc
SDRJSS.png' alt='Software Radio Scanner Pc' title='Software Radio Scanner Pc' />Radio programming software Software Radio Programming FTRestore. FTRestore is a free Windows desktop application to upload, download and compare memory channels and menu settings in the Yaesu FTDX1. FTDX3. 00. 0 and FT 9. FT 9. 91. A model transceivers. Hits 9. 2 Votes 1 Rating 1. Software Radio Scanner Pc En5 FOR 1 SPECIAL FOR XT Uniden Scanners. Quickly and Easily Program these Four scanners Uniden BCD396XT, BC346XT, BCD996XT and BCT15XPlus get the RTS Software as. WiNRADiO Communications Pioneering Software Defined Radio Manufacturers of SDR Systems for Professional Radio Surveillance and Amateur Applications. Radio. Comm. Radio. Comm can be used to program your Icom radios memory, or to create nice radio frequency spectra see above or to interface your radio to a huge database of frequencies. Hits 2. 19. 02 Votes 2. Rating 6. 5. 5 Alinco DJX 1. MS DOS programming software for use with Alincos DJ X1. Wide Band Communication Receiver. Hits 4. 10. 0 Votes 6. Rating 3. 9. 0 AOR AR 8. Mark III. AR 8. Hits 1. Votes 1. Rating 6. ARC 9.
Best software for portable base mobile fire and police radio scanner. Scanner Master has the latest models at great prices, same day shipping, nations largest. SOFTWARE FOR AMATEUR RADIO QUICK FIND NOTICE The following is a compilation of URLs found on search engines and news groups. The Author makes no endorsement nor. We are providing facility to choose and purchase online radio scanner, digital and VHF scanners for Sale prices as per your choices in Australia, Sydney. View all the RadioShack Software for Police Scanner Radios here and place your order online with us today Police World Wide conduct the best police scanner reviews of 2017 covering all base, mobile and handheld radio scanners across analog and digital systems. OY_lJH49LYpvGN6eURET5EjEzHkOS3cRWpTUVQiswhD0iJJO8LgjhoU-nA6JwOXimdHhFSssOw=w640-h400-e365' alt='Software Radio Scanner Pc' title='Software Radio Scanner Pc' />ARC9. PRO 9. PRO 2. 09. Hits 4. Votes 1 Rating 1. CCRadio. Tech Uniden programming software. Software Radio Scanner Pc If CableFree windows controlprogramming software for the Uniden Bearcat UBC 3. XLT and 7. 80. XLT. Hits 2. 10. 4 Votes 8 Rating 6. CHIRP. CHIRP is a cross platform, cross radio programming tool. It works on Windows and Linux and Mac. OSX. It can program many popular radios and exchange data between them includin Icom Kenwood Yaesu Alinco Wouxun Puxing Baofeng. Hits 9. 46. 0 Votes 2. Rating 7. 2. 0 CI V Test. Drivers Para Canon Pixma Mg3110. CI V Test for Win. CI V messages in Hex and text, and send commands for test purposes to the rig. This program is not intended to convienently control your rig, just explore the functions of CI V. Hits 2. 08. 0 Votes 5 Rating 9. Control Freq Jr v. Control Freq Jr v. Uniden BC2. 50. D and BC7. D to assist in programming these complex scanner radios. Hits 1. 12. 5 Votes 1 Rating 8. DJ X2 programming software. Alinco DJ X2. T programming software. Hits 1. 43. 6 Votes 8 Rating 5. DJ X2. 00. 0 programming software. Alinco DJ X2. 00. Hits 1. 87. 3 Votes 1. Rating 5. 0. 2 DJ X3 Memory Management Utility. DJ X3 Memory Management Utility Edit Memory Bank channels 7. Upload Download, Load Save Memory Bank channel data, Full Partial Reset of radio. Hits 1. 32. 0 Votes 8 Rating 5. DJ X3 Programming software. Alinco DJ X3 software. Hits 3. 13. 7 Votes 2. Rating 4. 2. 7 Freakin Beacon Setup Program. A small program to simplify changing messages in the Expanded Spectrum Systems Freakin Beacon controller. The program makes it easy to modify an existing message or to have multiple messages available in different files ready to program into the beacon controller. Hits 1. 07. 0 Votes 1 Rating 1. Free. SCAN. Freeware windows program for programming the Uniden SC2. BC2. 46. T, BC3. 30. T, BCD3. 96, BC1. T and BCD9. 96. T scanners. Free. SCAN allows to download and uploading programming, remote control the scanner, log hits, and supports printing out of systems and groups. Hits 1. 83. 7 Votes 8 Rating 7. FT 2. 00. 0 Menu and Memory Saver. Save menu settings and memories of your Yaesu FT 2. Hits 1. 88. 6 Votes 4 Rating 4. Usp 36 Full. FT 6. Commander. Programming software for the Yaesu FT 6. R. Hits 2. 05 Votes 1 Rating 1. FT8. 57mm. FT8. Programming Software works with FT8. FT8. 97 too. Demo version available. Hits 2. 54. 0 Votes 6 Rating 6. FTB2. 07. 0. FTB2. VX 1. 20 and VX 1. FM handhelds. Hits 5. Votes 3 Rating 4. FTB6. 0 radio control. Memory management program for the FT 6. RE FM handheld. Hits 2. Votes 4 Rating 4. FTBVR5. K. Free memory backuprestore program for the Yaesu VR 5. Hits 1. 26. 6 Votes 1 Rating 1. FTBVR5. K VR 5. Memory Management. FTBVR5. K is a memory management program for the Yaesu VR 5. Hits 2. 49. 9 Votes 1. Rating 5. 0. 8 FTM 4. Radio Software. The ADMS M4. Yaesu FTM 4. 00 radio. Hits 1. 00. 7 Votes 2. Rating 3. 9. 7 Icom CS F3. D CPS. Icom CS F3. VHF UHF transceiverslike ICF 3. ICF 4. 00. 3. Hits 1. Votes 2 Rating 7. Icom IC R2 programming software. IC R2 programming utility v. Rel. 0. 4. 0. 2. 9. Hits 1. 00. 31 Votes 4. Rating 3. 9. 9 KC8. UNJ radio programming software. Radio programming programs for YAESU and ICOM handheld transceivers. VX 7 Commander, VX 2 Commander, VX 5 Commander, VR 1. Commander, and IC R2 Commander. All software on this site is designed to work on Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2. K, and XP. Hits 5. Votes 1. 9 Rating 7. Kenwood MCP 1. A for TH K2 Series. TH K2. AT TH K2. E TH K2. ET TH K4. AT TH K4. E. Memory Control Program. You can use this software to create data such as memory channels and menus on a PC by connecting the TH K2K4 transceiver to the PC. Hits 1. 70. 6 Votes 1. Rating 4. 9. 1 Kenwood Smart Memory KSM by pp. KSM Kenwood Smart Memory is a program to read and update the memory channels of a Kenwood amateur radio. The current supported types are TS 4. S, TS 5. 70. D, TS 5. S, TS 6. 90. S, TS 8. S, TS 9. 40. S,TS 9. S. Hits 9. 92. Votes 1. Rating 5. KG UV Commander. Free programming software for the Wouxun KG UVD1. P, KG UV2. D, and similar radios. Hits 1. 49. 0 Votes 1. Rating 7. 4. 6 KG UV8. D Programming Software. Wouxun KG UV8. D Standard Programming Software. Used to adjust or expand the frequency range to the full authorized range of the radio and not beyond. MHz 4. 00 5. 19. MHz This software will Not add the 2. Netapp Serial Console Cable. Hz step. Hits 2. Votes 2 Rating 1. Windows 9. X program to downloadupload data fromto the Kenwood TH D7. Hits 4. 97 Votes 1 Rating 7. Mac Memory Manager. Amateur Radio Memory Manager Software for the Mac support many Yaesu Icom AOR and Kenwood radios. Hits 1. 27. 5 Votes 1 Rating 1. Marine Radio Control. Download ex. 17. 26 a 3. DOS radio control program for the ICOM M7. PRO, M7. 10 and M7. R NMEA computer interface. Hits 4. 07. 4 Votes 2. Rating 6. 7. 2 MCP D7. G TH D7. A TH D7. E Memory Control. This program is for editing Memory Channels APRS, SKY COMMAND II and various settings on the kenwood amateur radio TH D7. AGD7. AG2. 0D7. EG2. A similar version exist for TH D7 generation 1. Hits 1. 80. 5 Votes 3 Rating 4. Memori. Memory manager for ICOM IC 7. MKIIG, IC 7. 37, IC 7. IC 7. 46, IC 7. Pro. III, Kenwood TS 5. D, TS 5. 70. DG, TS 8. TS 2. 00. 0 and Yaesu FT 9. FT 1. 00. 0, FT 2. OH2. KXO. Hits 1. Votes 3 Rating 2. Memory Control Program MCP 1. A. Kenwood TM 2. A TM 2. E TM 4. A. By utilizing this software, you can enjoy the versatility of the TM 2. Series transceiver through the memory channel management and edit functions. Hits 1. 16. 0 Votes 2 Rating 1. Olinca TH 8. 88 SV8 Programming Software. Free windows software to program or reset cara ht olinca th. S th. 88. 8 th. 10 th. VHF UHF two way radios. Hits 1. 56 Votes 2 Rating 5. Pro Key Set. This small program helps you to edit the CW memories of your Icom 7. Pro, 7. 56. Pro. 2, 7. Pro rig. On startup it reads the current memory contents and displays it. You can edit the text and store the memories individually or all 4 together. Hits 7. 16 Votes 1 Rating 1. Pro Mem Edit. Pro Mem Edit for Win. Pro, 7. 56. Pro. 2. Hits 5. 12 Votes 3 Rating 7. Pro 9. 2 control. Program for dumpimg Pro. PC. Hits 1. 62. Votes 4 Rating 7. Pro 9. 2 software. Win. 92 windows based data management for the pro 9. Hits 1. 16. 3 Votes 0 Rating 0. Radio Control Program ARCP 4. This free software is an application solely for the use of controlling the Kenwood TS 4. Can be used to edit, save, and export to the TS 4. Memory, Menu, and Auto Mode frequencies. Hits 1. 95. 9 Votes 2 Rating 9.